import {createCheckoutSession} from 'backend/stripe.jsw'; // Import backend function $w.onReady(function () { // Assuming the amount is passed via the URL, e.g., ?amount=5000 const urlParams = new URLSearchParams(; const amount = urlParams.get('amount'); // Get the amount from the URL // Check if the amount is valid if (amount && !isNaN(amount)) { // Attach click event to the button $w('#payButton').onClick(async () => { try { const checkoutUrl = await createCheckoutSession(parseInt(amount)); // Create Checkout session // Redirect to the Stripe Checkout page window.location.href = checkoutUrl; } catch (error) { console.error('Error during Stripe Checkout session creation:', error); // Handle errors (e.g., show a message to the user) } }); } else { console.error('Invalid or missing amount parameter.'); } });
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APN Services

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At BestLife Counseling, our Advanced Practice Nurse (APN) services are designed to offer comprehensive mental health and wellness support. 


What are APN Services?


Advanced Practice Nurses are licensed clinicians with advanced education and training in psychiatric and mental health care. They are skilled in diagnosing mental health conditions, creating individualized treatment plans, and prescribing medications when necessary. APNs integrate both medical and therapeutic approaches to support overall mental well-being.


Who Benefits from APN Services


Our APN services are beneficial to individuals facing a variety of mental health challenges, such as anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and other mood disorders. They are particularly valuable for those seeking a holistic approach that combines medication management with therapeutic interventions. 

APNs at our practice are highly trained professionals who provide a range of services, including psychiatric evaluations, medication management, therapy, and counseling.

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